How do I generate a patient waiting time report?

With the waiting time report you can receive insights into your customers’ experience with a report that shows how long they have spent at your practice during different stages of their appointment. This article explains how to run the report and provides information as to which type of information is available.

Before you start

This is box title
  • You need permission to be able to access the waiting time report. Permissions can be adjusted by practice administrators in General Settings > Role Management.
  • You will only be able to see data from 5 November 2018 onwards.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to > Reports > Waiting Time Report.
  2. At the top, you can select the filters you need.

    • “Start date” and “end date”: enter a date range that you want to create a waiting time report for. To select a date either type the date in the correct format (DD-MM-YYYY) or click on the -icon to bring up the date-picker.

    • “Appointment group”: appointment groups are the tabs in your diary. Specify whether you want a waiting time report for all appointment groups or select a specific one from the drop-down menu.
    • “Appointment for”: you can run a waiting time report on appointments for a specific employee by selecting the name of the employee from the drop-down menu.
    • “Include non-chronological statuses”. Check this box to include appointments that have had their status manually changed from one status to another. For example, an appointment was manually changed from the status ‘booked’ to ‘in progress’, thereby skipping the status ‘arrived’.
  3. Click Show Results.

Your results will be displayed at the bottom:

Please refer to the section below to see what information is displayed in the columns.

If needed, this information can be exported to Microsoft Excel by clicking the Excel export icon below the table.

More about this

All the columns of this report explained

DateThe date of the appointment in the diary.
Appointment TimeThe time of the appointment in the diary.
Arrival TimeThe time the appointment status was set to 'Arrived'.
Wait Before ConsultThe duration the appointment status was 'Arrived' before being set to 'In progress'.
Start of ConsultationThe time the appointment status was set to 'In progress'.
Consultation TimeThe duration the appointment status was 'In progress' before being set to 'Payment'.
Start of PaymentThe time the appointment status was set to 'Payment'.
Wait After ConsultationThe duration the appointment status was 'Payment' before being set to 'Done'.
DoneThe time the appointment status was set to 'Done'.
Appointment ForSpecifies if this appointment was booked for a specific user. The information is taken from the field "Appointment for" in the appointment details.
Appointment TypeSpecifies the appointment type. The information is taken from the field "Type" in the appointment details.
Client NameSpecifies the name of the client that is linked to the appointment.
Patient NameSpecifies the name of the patient that is linked to the appointment.
SpeciesSpecifies the species of the patient that is linked to the appointment.

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Updated on 9 May 2023

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