This article will explain how you can view your monthly balance sheet. The monthly balance sheet shows all transactions (by ledger numbers), per month. The accumulating totals provide you with a quick financial overview.
Before you start
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You need permission to be able to access the monthly balance sheet. Permissions can be adjusted by practice administrators in > General Settings > Role Management.
Step-by-step instructions
- Go to
> Financial > Balance Sheet Monthly.
- If you get a notification that you need to update your financial data, click Start Job.
- Wait until the “job progress” notification disappears.
- Once ready, you will see an overview of your ledger totals listed per month.
- If desired, you can export the results to Excel or PDF by clicking one of the export icons at the bottom of the table.
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Tip: When you click on a blue number in the overview, you will see in detail how this total amount has been calculated.