The dental protocol in Animana allows you to create a patient’s dental record. You can map all the patient’s teeth, and add a diagnosis, treatment and gum assessment per tooth. This article explains how to use the dental protocol.
Step-by-step instructions
- Open the patient file.
- At the top, select Dental CA. Depending on your settings, you will find this option either in the row of blue action buttons or in the “More actions” drop-down menu at the top left of the file.
- Enter the date the dental examination took place.
- In the field “bite” you can enter any information regarding the patient’s bite characteristics.
- Enter comments regarding the general dental state for the patient in the field “diagnosis” .
This is box titleTip: the diagnosis text will be shown on the patient file history row. - Enter additional information in the field “explanation”.
- The bottom-half of the screen allows you to track individual teeth information. Using the global dental formula standard, click on the correct dental number to add notes to that individual tooth.
- A pop-up screen will open, displaying the dental number. Select a “diagnosis” from the first drop-down menu. The options are: missing, perio, caries, trauma, RL (resorptive laesion), malocclusion, or other.
- Select a “treatment” for this tooth from the second drop-down menu. The options are: extraction, perio, restorative, endo, surgery, or ortho.
- Select the state of the “gums” for this tooth from the third drop-down menu. The options are: gingivitis 1, gingivitis 2, gingivitis 3, abcess.
- Enter additional information for this tooth in the field “explanation”. Explanations entered here will be show on the dental overview screen.
- Click Save or Save and next if you want to continue adding information for the next tooth.
As you can see, each tooth is split into three colour-coded sections; the top for diagnosis, the middle for treatment, and the lower for gums. The key to the colour-coding is shown on screen.