How do I set up the notifications for automated reminders? With reminder notification settings you can design an automated process defining how many reminders will be sent in which form...
How do I see which automated reminders have been sent? Once you start using automated reminders, you will want to know whether they are being sent. This article will explain...
How do I manually add a reminder if I’m using automated reminders? When set up correctly, Animana’s powerful reminder functionality will automatically add a reminder to the patient file when you sell...
How do I change the automatic log out time? Animana has a built-in automatic logout functionality to assist in your efforts in keeping your data safe. If you are...
How do I remove/disable automatic reminders? There are multiple ways to remove/disable the automatic reminders. This article will focus on two different methods. 1. Remove/Disable all...
How do I set up a product-based reminder? When set up correctly, Animana’s powerful reminder functionality will automatically add a reminder to the patient file when you sell...