How do I set up price groups for my health plan? A Pet Health Plan (PHP) is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. With a Pet Health...
Learning Path: Pet Health Plan Get your patients on a Pet Health Plan! By providing preventative care for your patients, you will ensure that their...
How do I add a health plan to a patient? A Pet Health Plan (PHP) is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. With a Pet Health...
Which settings are required for invoicing a pet health plan? When you’ve created a Pet Health Plan (PHP) and have assigned it to a patient, the costs of the plan...
How do I generate a Pet Health Plan report? Once you have set up and provided your clients with Pet Health Plans (PHP), Animana will keep track of their...
How do I deactivate a rule (price group) of a health plan? A health plan is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. You collect a monthly fee from...
How do I deactivate a health plan? A health plan is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. You collect a monthly fee from...