How do I display multiple patients on one reminder?

You will often see one client coming in with multiple patients for their vaccination. Animana allows you to send out one reminder that calls for all patients in one message.

Go to Settings > General Settings > Content Designer where you can enter different merge codes within the text to display client and patient specific information. To enter multiple patients on one reminder you can use specific codes that will display all patients of that client. You will find an example below.

Set up

Go to Settings > General Settings > Content Designer and select the text you want to use this functionality for. Or create a completely new one.


We would like to remind you that your pet's vaccinations are due: [${} (on ${})].

This will be displayed as:

We would like to remind you that your pet’s vaccinations are due: Max (on 07-04-2020) and Maggy (on 07-04-2020).

By adding an Enter after the first straight bracket each patient will be printed on a separate line:

We would like to remind you that your pet's vaccinations are due: [
${} (on ${})].

Will be displayed as:

We would like to remind you that your pet’s vaccinations are due:
Max (on 07-04-2020) and
Maggy (on 07-04-2020).

This is box title

Warning: each content template can contain straight brackets only once. A straight bracket is [ or ].
Otherwise, the system will generate errors.

Updated on 31 January 2022
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