We’re sorry you experienced an error

Most errors in Animana can be quickly resolved by following the steps below, so please give these a try before contacting support;

  1. Retry the action. Click your browser’s back button, and try the same action again.
  2. Try different options (if applicable). Click your browser’s back button, and change the criteria – for example; a narrower date filter or a different client or patient.
  3. Check the Animana status page. Perhaps you’ve found a problem we’re already working on – click here to open the status page in a new tab.
  4. Contact support. If you’ve got this far, our apologies; it’s probably time to contact our support team:
    Local support time is 2:42am (Europe/Amsterdam), support is currently closed. If you are experiencing critical problems with Animana outside of support hours (8:30am to 5pm UK time, Mon-Fri), please submit an out of hours support request.

    +44 (0)20 3788 7508 | +353 (0)15621211 | +45 4331 0439 | +47 24 05 51 10 | +46 085-198 95 66