Balances (balancing bank statements)

The balances section allows you to view, add and edit cash and card transactions, and also bank and suspense account transactions.
Please select the book year at the top of the page for which you would like to see or add transactions.

Please read the article ‘ledger scheme’ if you wish to add a cash or bank book (ledger).

Cash or bank book

If a ledger is set up with ‘cash = yes’ the ledger is a direct payment option when invoices are made and will appear on the list of cash books. If ‘cash = no’ the ledger will appear under the bank books.

Tip: if you have more than one bank account add the bank account number to the name of the ledger to prevent booking transactions on the wrong bank account.


All transactions
The ‘all transactions’ overview shows all transactions in a book year. This can be a very long overview.

Tip: press [Ctrl] + [F] to open a search option in the browser. (This also works for Excel and PDF files.)

Grouped per day/grouped per month/grouped per bank account (statement number)
The ‘grouped per day’, ‘grouped per month’ and ‘grouped per bank account (statement number)’ shows the total amount coming ‘in’, going ‘out’, the difference between ‘in and out’ and cumulative running total. By default only the last 10 transaction dates or bank statement numbers are displayed. Click on ‘show all’ at the top of the page to display all dates or bank statement numbers. Clicking on the date or the bank statement number will display all transactions included in these totals.


All overviews give the option to edit or remove a transaction. Simply click the red delete icon to remove. This transaction will then be completely removed as if it never was registered in the first place.
To edit a transaction simply click on it. Make the desired change and click on save.

Add new transaction (add new payment)

Usually this option is only used behind the bank account. Almost everything will go through the bank at some point: deposits, transfers, incoming payments and outgoing payments.

This is box title
Please click ‘add new transaction’ behind the bank if the bank is involved to prevent errors.

To book a transaction click the desired invoice or ledger, the outstanding amount is copied on the right hand into the amount field (for transfer add the amount manually). This amount can be changed in this field for partial payments or payment differences. Add the bank statement number in the number field, add a description if desired and click save. The transaction will be displayed together with all other transactions from that bank statement number at the bottom of the page.

The search functionality can be used to find a debtor, creditor, invoice number, amount, date or ledger number (you can also type in a partial search word or number).
Besides the search the filter in the left column can also be used to filter invoices or ledgers.

Book receipt or invoice on supplier (add expenses)

This form works exactly the same as ‘add expenses’. Please read the article ‘Add expenses (purchase invoices)’ for more information.


When a VAT period has been closed in ‘extra > financial > vat overview’ the amount due is displayed here. The payment can be registered by clicking the desired VAT period, the amount is then transferred to the right hand side, add the bank statement number and click save.


To book a transfer click on transfer then click on the correct ledger. All ledgers are displayed double because booking a transaction can go in two directions. Make sure you select the right one. Fill in the amount, bank statement number and click save.

Tip: To check if you have selected the right ledger (direction) look on the right hand side for the mark with ‘in’ or ‘out’. ‘In’ means an incoming (received) transaction in the ledger you are booking in (usually the bank). ‘Out’ means an outgoing transaction in the ledger you are booking in.

Book Difference

If applicable, mark book difference. Do not use this function when booking partial payments.

Upload MT940 file

‘Upload MT940 file’ is only available within the bank books. This option allows you to upload SWIFT files from your internet banking into Animana. It is currently unknown if this option is available outside the Netherlands.

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Updated on 10 October 2023
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