• How do I add new locations?

    Animana allows you to create multiple locations. This is very useful when you have multiple branches or when you are using company cars to do farm calls. By default your account will have at least one location. Usually this location holds the name of your clinic. You can check the…

  • How can I register a microchip?

    Many patients have a microchip or will receive one in your practice. This article describes how to register a microchip with VetEnvoy directly from the patient file in Animana. Before you start Step-by-step instructions Go to the patient file. In the Patient Data tab, in the “Identification” section, check that…

  • How do I create a visit form for multiple herds?

    Using a normal visit form, which can be accessed through the patient file, you can only create a visit form for the herd/patient file you are currently in. This means that if you are working on multiple herds at the same time, you will have to create a visit form…

  • How do I set up monthly accounts?

    Clients that usually do not pay each visit but receive an invoice once a month (or any other set period) can be set up as monthly account clients. Monthly accounts allow you to invoice a group of clients with one click. It is primarily used for large animals and horses…

  • How do I create an estimate for a treatment?

    Before a treatment a client might ask you for an estimate to give him an idea of the costs. You can create a quotation in a patient file (and herd file). This allows you to inform your client not only about the total costs of a treatment so that he…

  • How do I set up the notifications for automated reminders?

    With reminder notification settings you can design an automated process defining how many reminders will be sent in which form and when. As it is possible in Animana to schedule reminders to be sent automatically to clients based on reminder settings, the specific notification settings are required for the automatic…

  • How do I upload/update my letter header and footer?

    Before you start sending correspondence from Animana you should set up your header and footers in Animana. When configured, these are included at the top and bottom of letters, forms and e-mails. The instructions below will guide you on how to set-up these header and footer image files. Before you start…

  • How do I add an easy unsubscribe method to my email?

    By law businesses are required to offer their clients an easy way to unsubscribe to email communications. This article will explain how to add a ‘mailto’ link which opens a new email message in your customer’s native email software (the same program they are using to view the sent email),…

  • How do I send DICOM images to a colleague?

    DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine. DICOM images are used to create digital x-rays. They can be linked to the patient file in Animana. There might be instances where you want to share the DICOM images with a colleague such as a referring vet or a radiologist….

  • How do I see which automated reminders have been sent?

    Once you start using automated reminders, you will want to know whether they are being sent. This article will explain where you can find that information and will also provide some clarity with regards to some common mistakes. Step-by-step instructions Go to  > Reminder Job Reports. You will see a list…

  • How do I track clients with outstanding invoices?

    The “Outstanding Invoices” page provides a summary of all clients who have an outstanding balance. The table displayed provides details of the outstanding balance, the number of open invoices and the date the client last made a payment. Before you start Step-by-step instructions Go to > Financial > Outstanding invoices….

  • How do I add multiple email addresses to one client?

    When creating a contact or client in Animana, you will be given the opportunity to add email details. This article will explain how to add multiple email addresses to one client. Step-by-step instructions Search the appropriate client and click on Client Data: Find the email field: Add another email address by entering…

  • How do I exclude clients from receiving marketing related messages?

    In Animana you can easily send mailings to your clients. We would advise you to create an unsubscribe page on your website where your clients can go to unsubscribe from marketing mailings should they no longer want to receive them. When you receive a notification of a request to unsubscribe…

  • Database delivery requirements

    Introduction for our new customers You’ve received this document because you’re having a conversion from custom made software, or from fellow supplier’s software which we haven’t converted before. Introduction for fellow suppliers You’ve received this document because your assistance has been requested, to deliver your client’s data. For both cases,…

  • How do I create user roles with specific permissions in Animana?

    If you are managing (a group of) users that require access to a small part of Animana, you can use the role management functionality to create roles with the necessary permissions. These roles can then be added to specific users. This article will explain how to create user roles with…

  • How do I setup my paper format & margins?

    Before starting with Animana – or after purchasing a new printer – you need to configure your paper format. This article explains how you can configure the settings for A4 paper, including adjusting the margins, spacing around your letter header spacing. Before you start Step-by-step instructions Click on in the…