How do I manually add a reminder if I’m using automated reminders? When set up correctly, Animana’s powerful reminder functionality will automatically add a reminder to the patient file when you sell...
How do I email invoices to a client in Animana? Communicating with your clients is an important activity that you do all day, every day. One of the great functionalities...
How do I create an appointment from the patient file? Appointments are booked in your calendar throughout the day. In Animana, appointments can be made in several ways: directly from...
How do I filter specific activities in the patient or herd file? When a patient or herd has been with your practice for a long time, their file will build up a...
How do I view and edit patients? This article will explain how you can edit patient data. Step-by-step instructions Search for the patient. This can be done...
How do I adjust the default view of the patient file and herd file? It is possible to customise the default view of patient and herd files in Animana to your preference by setting...
How do I add a manual reminder to a patient file? With Animana you can manually add reminders to a patient file and configure it to notify the customer when the...
How do I add a patient to the admittance list? When a patient is admitted to your practice, you can add that patient to the admittance list in Animana. This...
How do I invoice a client order? In Animana, you can add products for a patient to an order list. When the order is delivered and the...
How do I create separate invoices per pet by default for a client? If a client has multiple pets and buys products or services for more than one pet during the same visit,...