How do I deactivate a health plan? A health plan is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. You collect a monthly fee from...
Price Groups Overview A price group is a pricing agreement that allows you to invoice a different price for selected clients, for example...
Client Data – Discount and Subscription Defining discount groups can be done by browsing to Client File > Client Data > Discount/Subscription tab; Assign a Price...
Product Groups Within Animana Products can be grouped together to make them easier to locate, to make it easier to edit (in...
How do I delete an appointment group (tab)? Appointment groups are the tabs in your diary. When setting up your diary, you need to specify which columns you...
How do I remove a product? Before you start Step-by-step instructions Go to > Products > Products. Search for the product you want to remove. Click...
How do I remove a client from my client portal? The client portal enables you to grant access to those clients that have herd files available in Animana. It grants...
How do I delete an appointment column? Appointment columns are the columns shown in each tab (appointment group) in your diary. When setting up the diary, you...
How do I delete an Appointment Column from an Appointment Group? Appointment columns are the columns shown in each tab (appointment group) in your diary. When setting up the diary, you...
Uplifts (Surcharges) The Surcharges allows you to define a fixed surcharge value which can be easily added to sales. For example, you...