Interaction – Label The Label interaction allows you to quickly generate a label in different places in the application. To manage your labels,...
How do I add an attachment to a patient or herd file? Sometimes, there are certain documents, images or other files you want to link against a patient or herd file. You...
How do I create and manage tasks? The Tasks functionality allows you to create a ‘to-do’ list within the system. You can manage your own task list,...
How do I send a Text Message? Amongst many options in Animana to communicate with Pet Owners, you are also able to use Text Messages to inform...
How do I write up my consult notes for a patient? The consult form allows you to capture your patient consult notes, which could include; medical history, examination findings, diagnosis and...
How do I create an estimate for a treatment? Before a treatment a client might ask you for an estimate to give him an idea of the costs. You...
Interaction – Respiration The Respiration interaction is available only within the Patient file. You can perform and record a patient Respiratory examination. Animana also...
How do I add the weight of a patient? Registering the weight of a patient is important. Not only to track their weight, but also to determine the correct...
How do I create a visit form from a Herd or Patient File? With the visit form you are able to log a visit to a patient and record your findings and recommendations....
Interaction – Reminder The Reminder interaction is available only within the Patient file and Herd file. You can manually create a patient-related reminder for various activities using the...