With the (Automated) Reminder report you can receive insights into the efficiency and compliance of your (automated) reminders. This article explains how to run the report and provides information as to which type of information is available.
Before you start
This report will display results for manual and automated reminders.
Step-by-step instructions
- Browse to
> Reports > Automated Reminder Report
- At the top, you will have the ability to filter on the following:
- “Reminder Due Date” and “To”: select the date range in which the reminder needs to be active.
- “Location”: select the specific location where the reminder was created for.
- “Species”: select the species of the animal.
- “Reminder group”: select the reminder group to which the product was added.
- “Include reminders without a group”: filter on reminders that don’t have a reminder group.
This is box titleWe strongly advise you to always use reminder groups! If you are interested to know why click here.
- Select the filters you need.
- Click Show Results.
Your results will be displayed at the bottom. If needed, this information can also be exported by clicking on the below the table for further analysis.
More about this
Getting deeper insights
If you are familiar with Microsoft Excel, you can perform extra calculations with this report that will help you answer some important questions such as:
- How many notifications were sent in the selected period?
SUM the numbers in the “Times Reminded” column. - How many notifications were required on average before a sale occurred?
To calculate this average, filter out all “no purchase” rows, then calculate the AVERAGE of the “Times Reminded” column. - How many notifications were required on average before a sale occurred per reminder group?
To calculate this average, filter out all “no purchase” rows, and filter by “Reminder Group” then calculate the AVERAGE of the “Times Reminded” column. You can also do this by working with pivot tables. - What was the purchase rate per product or reminder group?
Calculate the number of purchases made per reminder group or product and divided by the total number of patients that were attached to that reminder for the selected period.
Microsoft Excel Tip
When viewing the report in Excel, you may find that the “Times Reminded” and the “Total Number Reminders” columns are incorrectly imported as text (if this happens you will see a green triangle in the top-left of the cell). To correct this, select the cells with the green triangle, then from the pop-up button, select “convert to number”.
All the columns of this report explained
Name | Explanation |
Due Date | Displays the due date of the reminder. |
Species | Indicates the species of the animal that the reminder was for. |
Product | Mentions the product that is being reminded. |
Times Reminded | The amount of reminders sent. |
Max. Reminders | What the total amount of reminders are that can be sent. |
Reminder(s) Sent | What type of reminders have been sent. Such as Text Messages and/or Letters. |
Reminder Group | To which Reminder Group this reminder belongs. |
Date Last Reminded | When the last reminder was sent to the client. |
New Product Purchased On | When they purchased a product from the same reminder group. |
Client | Client in question. |
Patient | Patient in question. |
Why the need for reminder groups is essential for reporting
Reminder groups are essential in many ways. Firstly, a reminder group determines which product reminders overrule other product reminders. As it is possible in Animana to schedule reminders to be sent automatically to clients based on reminder settings, the reminder group settings determine which reminders can be deleted when a new product of the same reminder group is added. Thus making it a time saver and a large step towards more efficiency.
As an added bonus, they are also important for reporting because a correct set-up can give you valuable information about the effectiveness of a reminder for treatments and/or products. More information about setting up reminder groups can be found in the “Related articles” section.
Some of the fields in the product column are empty, why?
There might be instances where the fields in the product column are empty, this is an indicator that the reminder has been added manually and has not been added with a product attached to it.
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