How do I send patient data to SmartFlow?

As soon as a connection has been established between Animana and SmartFlow, you can send patient data from Animana to SmartFlow. This article explains how you can send this information.

Before you start

This is box title

Before you continue, you need to make a connection between IDEXX Animana and SmartFlow. You will find how to create the connection in the related articles section.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Open a patient file.
  2. At the top, click the white and green button SmartFlow.
  3. You will see a pop up message to remind you to add an attending veterinarian in Smartflow to this patient. Confirm with OK.
  4. The patient file will display when the information was sent to SmartFlow.

On the left-hand side you will also see a SmartFlow icon in the patient information box:

More about this

How do I discharge a patient from SmartFlow?

When the treatment is finished and the patient is being discharged, proceed as follows in Animana:

  1. At the top of the patient’s file click the green button with the checkmark: SmartFlow.
  2. You will see a pop up screen asking you if you are certain you want to discharge this patient from SmartFlow. Confirm with OK.
  3. The patient file will be updated with a timestamped notification that the patient has been discharged.

In the background, an e-mail is automatically sent with all the information in .PDF format. The information is sent to the e-mail address associated with your SmartFlow account.

How do I add SmartFlow documents to a patient file?

In the article below you can read how you can automatically add SmartFlow documents to the Animana patient file:

Will the Patient Records be sent to IDEXX Animana? (IDEXX SmartFlow Support page)

What information does Animana send to SmartFlow?

Once you send a patient to SmartFlow, certain information is sent to make the process smoother. Here is an overview of the information that is transmitted:

FieldData taken fromNotes
NamePatient DataThe name of the patient.
WeightPatient FileWeight of the patient with units.
GenderPatient Data
ColourPatient Data
SpeciesPatient Data
BreedPatient Data
Born onPatient DataPatient's date of birth.
Visible notesPatient Data
SurnameClient Data
First nameClient Data
Phone numberClient DataOnly when the option “include phone” is selected in Settings > General Settings > SmartFlow.
EmailClient DataOnly when the option “include e-mail” is selected in Settings > General Settings > SmartFlow.
Address (fields: street, house number, city, county and postcode)Client DataOnly when the option “include address” is selected in Settings > General Settings > SmartFlow.

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Updated on 18 February 2025
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