In focus: RCVS Codes of Professional Conduct The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) maintains a comprehensive set of advice and guidelines for veterinary practices in the...
How do I send an email to a client in Animana? Communicating with your clients is an important activity that you do all day, every day. One of the great functionalities...
How to refund or credit a service or returned product The purpose of this article is to describe how to process a refund or credit for an unwanted service or...
How do I process a pre-payment? This article describes how to create a pre-payment or credit value in a customer’s account. This is typically needed when...
How do I create a new patient? When new clients are added to the system, their pet(s) also need to be added. This article will explain how...
How do I view DICOM images in Animana? DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine. DICOM images are commonly used for digital x-rays. They are usually...
How do I create a visit form for multiple herds? Using a normal visit form, which can be accessed through the patient file, you can only create a visit form...
How do I process payments on existing invoices? Sometimes a client pays their invoice at a later moment in time than when it was created. In that case,...
How do I process payments while creating an invoice? After charging a client, you will need to process the payment in Animana. This article tells you how to process...
How do I change the owner of a patient? Patients sometimes change ownership when they move from one owner to the next. If both owners are in Animana, the...