How do I email the patient or herd history?

In Animana it is possible to send the patient’s history via email. Whether that be directly to the owner, an insurance company or a referring (or new) veterinarian. This article will explain how to send a patient or herd history via email.

Before you start

This is box title
  • Your sender email address needs to be set up.
  • Your practice email address needs to be entered in the general settings of your account.
  • A header and footer needs to be created for your account.

Read more about these settings in this article.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Open a patient or herd file.
  2. If you want, you can select a date range at the top of the file to filter it. For this, click in the “date range” box and select the date range you want. With “custom range” you can set a custom date range by selecting it from the calendar that pops up.
    This is box title
    Note that for herds, the date range is set to the last 6 months by default. You can remove the date range filter by clicking the x behind it.
  3. Tick the boxes of the file entries that you want to email. Either tick them individually or you can tick the box next to the “Print History” button at the top to select everything in the patient or herd history that is currently displayed on your screen.
  4. Click the Email History button at the top.
  5. Continue with step 3 in this article.

More about this

What can I do when the exported history PDF is too large to send as an attachment?

If a patient’s history contains a lot of information the file size of the PDF can become very large. This might cause an issue when the file needs to be sent to an email address that is linked to an email provider that offers its services for free – such as or These providers usually have a file size limit, which means that emails with large attachments that will exceed that limit will not be received by the recipient. In that instance you could consider using the “print history” feature and saving the history in a PDF to your computer. Then you can send the history through a fileshare platform that supports larger files.

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DISCLAIMER: Please note that Animana/IDEXX cannot be held liable for any loss or theft of personal identifiable information when you use a third party platform.

Can I see which files I sent?

When viewing sent emails in the client, patient, or herd file, you can see the filename of sent attachments at the bottom of the email. This allows you to verify whether a file has – or hasn’t – been sent. This feature is automatically available for emails sent after release v6.5 of Animana; emails sent in previous versions will not show the filename(s).

Please note that the sent files cannot be opened.

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Updated on 29 January 2024
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