How do I create an eClaim? Animana supports electronic insurance eClaims via the VetEnvoy service. More information about available insurers can be found on this page....
How do I view my pet insurance claims? If you use insurance claims in your practice, it is important to be able to see the claims that have...
How do I update the status of an invoice that was only partially covered by the insurance? When you have received a partial payment from the insurance company after sending a claim, you first process that partial...
How do I allocate insurance payments? After a claim has been sent to an insurance company you may receive full or partial payment from the insurance...
How do I book a preliminary payment on a suspense account? Sometimes, you don’t have all the necessary information to book a payment immediately. In some cases, a suspense account is...
How do I exclude an invoice from debtors? Sometimes, you want to exclude invoices from the debtors list. For instance, when a claim has been submitted and you...