General settings – user settings The General Settings area of IDEXX Animana allows you to configure the basics of your practice. Only the administrator of...
How do I add a new contact? Contacts such as clients, referring vets and suppliers can be added by clicking the new contact button on the navigation...
How do I send marketing messages based on client data? In Animana you can easily send mailings to your clients. The mailing filters allow you to quickly filter client, patient...
How do I merge duplicate client files? Sometimes, a contact gets entered that was already in the system, or two owners are registered separately and want to...
How do I access the report that shows me my active clients? If you want to keep track of your active clients, you can. There is a pre-set report in Animana that...
Client Data – Discount and Subscription Defining discount groups can be done by browsing to Client File > Client Data > Discount/Subscription tab; Assign a Price...
Client Data – Extra addresses In the Client Data – Extra addresses tab you can view, add and edit extra addresses associated with a client;...
How do I search for a client in Animana? Searching for clients and patients is one of the key functionalities you should master. While the search functionality also allows...
Client File The Client File tab allows you to view a history of your interactions with a client. It also allows you...
How do I make a client inactive? Sometimes, you want to deactivate a client record. For instance, a client might move away or all of their pets...