How do I link a DICOM image to a patient file? DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine. DICOM images are commonly used for digital x-rays. They are usually...
How do I create and manage tasks? The Tasks functionality allows you to create a ‘to-do’ list within the system. You can manage your own task list,...
How do I send a Text Message? Amongst many options in Animana to communicate with Pet Owners, you are also able to use Text Messages to inform...
How do I send an email to a client in Animana? Communicating with your clients is an important activity that you do all day, every day. One of the great functionalities...
How do I add an attachment to a client file? Sometimes, there are certain documents, images or other files you want to link against a client file. You can do...
Client File The Client File tab allows you to view a history of your interactions with a client. It also allows you...
Interaction – Product The product interaction is available within the Client file and the Patient file. Note: If you are adding products under the client file these will...
Interaction – Phone call The Phone-call interaction is available within the Client file and the Patient file. To log either an incoming, or an outgoing call, click...