Interaction – Label The Label interaction allows you to quickly generate a label in different places in the application. To manage your labels,...
How do I set up monthly accounts? Clients that usually do not pay each visit but receive an invoice once a month (or any other set period)...
How do I create a visit form for multiple herds? Using a normal visit form, which can be accessed through the patient file, you can only create a visit form...
How do I create a visit form from a Herd or Patient File? With the visit form you are able to log a visit to a patient and record your findings and recommendations....
How do I customise my patient file and herd file buttons? Depending on your role in your practice you may find that you perform some actions in the patient or herd...
How do I filter specific activities in the patient or herd file? When a patient or herd has been with your practice for a long time, their file will build up a...
How do I add my practice logo to the client portal? The client portal enables you to grant access to those clients that have herd files available in Animana. It grants...
How do I add my practice information to the client portal? The client portal enables you to grant access to those clients that have herd files available in Animana. It grants...