How do I setup a Dymo label printer? Before you can set up your label printer it needs to be installed on the workstation(s) by you or your...
How do I setup an A4 printer? This article is meant to give instructions to those who are responsible for setting up the printers at your practice....
How do I prevent a new tab in my browser to be opened when printing an invoice or letter? If you print something from Animana, Animana creates a PDF for the requested printout. When the browser settings are incorrect,...
Printer settings and troubleshooting Printers Printers must be network ready and have to be installed and configured for use by your IT specialist/installer on...
How do I add the weight of a patient? Registering the weight of a patient is important. Not only to track their weight, but also to determine the correct...
Client File The Client File tab allows you to view a history of your interactions with a client. It also allows you...
Worklist – Free Text Label The free text label option allows you to print a one-off label. Go to Worklist > Free Text Label You...
How do I print a patient or herd file? There might be instances where you need to print the patient or herd history. This article will explain how to...
How do I print the diary? This article will explain how to print the diary in Animana. Step-by-step instructions Click in the menu bar to go...