Depending on your role in your practice you may find that you perform some actions in the patient or herd file more frequently than others. For this reason, it is possible to customise the blue action button row in the patient and herd file just the way you like it. This article explains how to adjust the action button row in the patient and herd file for your personal Animana user account.
Step-by-step instructions
- Go to
> User Settings > Patient & Herd File Settings. Or, from any patient or herd file, click File Settings behind the filters at the top.
- In the section “Action settings”, drag the actions you want to have as a button in the patient and herd file from the left table (“More actions dropdown”) to the right table (“Action buttons”).
- Drag the actions you prefer to have in the drop-down menu in the patient and herd file from the right table (“Action buttons”) to the left table (“More actions dropdown”).
- Change the order in which the buttons are shown in the file, by clicking on the action button name and dragging it to another place in the list.
Changes are saved automatically. When you open a patient or herd file after adjusting the action buttons, you will see that your new settings are immediately implemented.
More about this
What’s the “Reset actions to default” button for?
The default action button row in patient and herd files is as follows:
- Consult
- Appointment
- Product
- Label
- Weight
- Visit form
- Logbook
- Phone call
- Task
- Note
- Combi-protocol
- Estimate
The moment you make changes as explained in the step-by-step instructions, the display and/or order changes in the patient and herd files. If you click the Reset actions to default button, the action buttons and their order will be reset to the default, as mentioned above.
What’s the “Reset all to default” button for?
This page ( > User Settings > Patient & Herd File Settings) shows the action settings and the filter settings of your patient and herd files. When you click Reset all to default both the action buttons and the filter settings will be reset to their default values.