Edit Stock

The Edit Stock screen allows you to control automatic re-order values.

Filtering the overview

As with other screens in Animana, you can filter the stock information which is shown.

Choose Product Group

If you have created products groups (Extra> Products>Product Groups), you may filter the stock here. Select the blank entry to show all product groups.

Note that this field can be used in conjunction with the Find Product filter.

Find Product

If you are looking for a particular product, enter a partial search term here and click find. For example entering “adva” will return all ADVANTAGE and all ADVANTIX products.

To reset the search clear the field and click find.

Note that this field can be used in conjunction with the Product Group filter.


You can also filter by location; just select the appropriate location from the drop-down.

Edit Stock Overview


The name column simply shows the name of the product as it is configure in the system (Extra> Products> Products).


The amount show how much stock you currently have at the given location.

Re-ordering recommendations

Animana can handle automatic stock re-ordering, but first needs the rules to be setup. For example:

The above graphic shows a stock level of 2, but a recommended re-order of 6 more units when the stock level is 3 or below.

Order Level

The order level specifies the remaining quantity at which point the system automatically recommends a re-order.

Order Amount

The order amount is the quantity which is suggested for a re-order.


Remarks against a stock line will be shown on the stock list.


To save a change to the stock row, make sure you press the save button. The save will be confirmed by a tick icon on the row.


Clicking the report button (“…”) will take you directly to the product report for the corresponding product. This will allow you to see more details about where the product has been used.

Updated on 31 January 2022

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