How do I correct a payment set against the wrong invoice? Sometimes a payment is accidentally linked to the wrong invoice. This article tells you how to correct a direct payment...
How do I transition my bookkeeping into the next year? At the end of each calendar year, Animana automatically generates an empty book for the new year. Since it’s empty,...
How do I correct a negative cash difference in the day overview? Animana tracks payments throughout the day. Thus, at the end of the day it expects a specific amount on the...
How do I do a cash count at the end of the day? Throughout, or at the end of the day, you will want to confirm that the money in your cash drawer...
How do I correct a positive cash difference in the day overview? Animana tracks payments throughout the day. At the end of the day, it expects a specific amount on the card...
Learning path: Day Overview Getting familiar with the Day Overview feature Throughout, or at the end of the day, you will need to check...
How do I correct a positive card difference in the day overview? Animana tracks payments throughout the day. Thus, at the end of the day it expects a specific amount on the...
How do I correct a negative card difference in the day overview? Animana tracks payments throughout the day. Thus, at the end of the day, it expects a specific amount recorded on...
How do I create a Cash and Payment Differences report? If a client pays too much or not enough, a payment difference arises. If your cash count doesn’t match the...
How do I correct errors in the day overview? Animana tracks payments throughout the day. Thus, at the end of the day, it expects a specific amount on the...