How do I use the dental protocol? The dental protocol in Animana allows you to create a patient’s dental record. You can map all the patient’s teeth,...
How do I stop a health plan for a patient? A Pet Health Plan (PHP) is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. With a Pet Health...
How do I print an X-Ray label? When you have a patient that needs an x-ray, you can easily print an x-ray label from the patient file...
How do I add a patient to the admittance list? When a patient is admitted to your practice, you can add that patient to the admittance list in Animana. This...
Remarks in side bar Day Remarks A remark is a ‘note’ made against a particular day. Remarks are shared across other users within your...
How do I automatically renew a health plan subscription? A Pet Health Plan (PHP) is similar to a subscription that you have at the gym. With a Pet Health...
How do I print a patient or herd file? There might be instances where you need to print the patient or herd history. This article will explain how to...
How do I invoice a client order? In Animana, you can add products for a patient to an order list. When the order is delivered and the...
Condolences The Condolences window shows all condolence reminders for patients which have passed away. Clicking a condolence reminder will take you...
How do I add my horse(s) for human consumption? If you work with horses that are meant for human consumption, we display an icon that indicates a distinct difference...