How do I invoice uninvoiced products? After adding products to a patient/herd file or client file they will need to be invoiced at some point. The...
How do I create analysis groups? Within Animana, product groups make it easier to locate, edit, and adjust product pricing, they are also a key way...
How do I generate a report that shows me the products sold per employee? For tracking purposes, it is possible to run a report which shows the products sold per employee. This article will...
Report Opiate This report lists all the opiates which have been received from a supplier, sold to a client or transferred to...
How do I create a combi protocol? Animana provides the ability to combine (custom) protocols with combi-products to make a “combi protocol”. This feature allows you to...
Product Groups Within Animana Products can be grouped together to make them easier to locate, to make it easier to edit (in...
How do I remove/disable automatic reminders? There are multiple ways to remove/disable the automatic reminders. This article will focus on two different methods. 1. Remove/Disable all...
Price Groups Overview A price group is a pricing agreement that allows you to invoice a different price for selected clients, for example...
How do I set up a product-based reminder? When set up correctly, Animana’s powerful reminder functionality will automatically add a reminder to the patient file when you sell...
How do I run and export an Invoice Details (Excel Export) report? The Invoice Details report (formerly known as Excel Export) can be used to identify products sold per postcode and filtered...