How do I create analysis groups? Within Animana, product groups make it easier to locate, edit, and adjust product pricing, they are also a key way...
Price Groups Overview A price group is a pricing agreement that allows you to invoice a different price for selected clients, for example...
How do I access the report that shows me my active clients? If you want to keep track of your active clients, you can. There is a pre-set report in Animana that...
How do I see which automated reminders have been sent? Once you start using automated reminders, you will want to know whether they are being sent. This article will explain...
How do I run and export an Invoice Details (Excel Export) report? The Invoice Details report (formerly known as Excel Export) can be used to identify products sold per postcode and filtered...
How do I create a report about aged debtors on a specific date? This article will explain how you can extract a report that shows you your outstanding debtors on a specific date....
How do I create a report which shows me all the payments I have received? For accounting purposes, you’ll need an overview of all your registered payments. This article explains how to extract this overview...