How do I display an employee’s birthday in the diary?

It i s possible to have an employee’s birthday show up in the diary. On the day itself and one day before a remark will be displayed in the diary. This article will explain which settings need to be done in order to get those notifications appear in the diary.

Before you start

This is box title
  • Only administrators can edit users in Animana.
  • Do you want to add your own date of birth? Then read More about this.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to > General Settings > User Management.
  2. Click the user in question to open their user settings.
  3. Enter the date of birth in the field “birth date”.

    The date can be entered into the date field directly or you can select the date by first clicking the calendar icon:

  4. Scroll down and click Save.

Onde day before the birthday a notification will be added to the notes section of the diary.

This is box title
In this example, Chloe’s birthday is May 1st, the calendar below shows April 30th:

On the day itself another notification will be visible:

More about this

How do I add my own birthday?

The steps described above are for the administrator of your Animana account. As a user it is also possible to add your own birthday. In order to do so, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to > User Settings.
  2. Click User Data on the left.
  3. Enter your date of birth in the field “birth date”.

  4. Click Save.

How do I remove the birthday note from the diary?

The only way to remove the note about the birthday is to remove the birth date from the user data.

  1. Go to  > General Settings > User Management and click the user to open the user data.
    Or go to > User Settings > User Data when it concerns your own birthday.
  2. Delete the date from the field “birth date”.
  3. Click Save.

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Updated on 21 July 2022

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