How do I use the caretaker functionality?

Sometimes patients have a caretaker – someone other than the owner who takes care of the animal. Animana has developed a special functionality for this. This article will explain how you can mark a client as a caretaker.

Step-by-step instructions

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Example: Client Joe Harrison has a horse, named May. The caretaker for this horse is Erin Simpson.

  1. Add the owner (Joe Harrison) and the caretaker (Erin Simpson) as two separate client contacts in Animana. See the related articles if necessary.
  2. Add the patient (horse May) to the owner (Joe Harrison) in Animana. See the related articles if necessary.
  3. Open the caretaker’s (Erin Simpson’s) Client Data and click the Financial subtab.
  4. Check the box for “monthly account”.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Search and open the patient file (horse May).
  7. On the top right, click the Patient Data tab.
  8. In the patient data screen, you can now select the “caretaker” from the drop-down menu on the right.

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    Tip: Are you unable to find the caretaker in this drop-down menu? Make sure you have marked the caretaker as a monthly account-holder and have saved the changes (see step 4 above).
  9. Click Save.

More about this

How can I tell if a patient has a caretaker or not?

Once a patient has a caretaker, the following will happen:

  • The patient file will now be accessible from both the owner and the caretaker. The system will automatically synchronise the patient file.
  • When the patient file is accessed via the owner:
    • The caretaker will be mentioned in the Animals tab next to the name of the patient.
    • The caretaker will be shown at the top of the Patient File.
  • When the patient file is accessed via the caretaker:
    • The owner will be shown on the Animals tab.
    • The owner will be shown at the top in the Patient File.
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Good to know: invoices will automatically be sent to the owner, not the caretaker.

Is it possible to see an overview of caretakers in the system?

Provided you have permission, you can access the list of caretakers, patients and their owners via > Financial > Monthly Accounts > Monthly Overview Caretakers.

Because caretakers do not receive an invoice, this menu can be used to generate an overview. This overview shows the date, quantity, product name, price (per product) and total amount per invoice line. It does not show the total amount or any discounts that apply.

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Updated on 2 May 2023

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