How do I add a user?

This article will explain how to add a new user to your Animana account.

Before you start

This is box title
You need administrator permission to be able to add users to your Animana account. User permissions can be adjusted in > General Settings > Role Management.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to > General Settings > User Management.
  2. You will see a table listing your current employees.
  3. To create a new user, click the link that says New User [number] at the bottom left corner. You can refer to the detailed overview of every field here.
  4. Enter all the details associated with the new user.
  5. Scroll down and click Save.

After you have saved a new user, and re-open the user to edit, extra fields are available. See the related articles below.

More about this

Explanation of available fields

UsernameThis is the username that is automatically generated by Animana and is something that cannot be changed.
Password & Reenter passwordEnter a password for the user. This is a mandatory field. Passwords must be at least ten (10) characters long, contain at least one (1) capital case letter (A-Z), contain a least one (1) special character (!@#$%^&*()_+|~-\`{}[]:”;'<>/) and contain at least one (1) digit (0-9).
CodeThis code will be displayed along most information added to the patient/client file (such as consultation, products, notes, client orders, estimates) and tasks and diary appointments to show which user made this addition/edit. We advise to use the initials of the user.
TitleThe title of the user.
First NameFirst name of the user.
SurnameSurname of the user.
LanguageThis determines in which language Animana will be shown for the user. This can be changed at a later stage.
Authentication emailThe email address this user wants to use to log into Animana. This should be their individual practice email address, not a shared account.
Mailing emailThe email address that appears in customer communications by this user, such as letters and emails.
MobileMobile phone number of the user.
Veterinary Professional NumberThe vet professional number of the user. It will be automatically added to written prescriptions.
Birth dateEnter the birth date of the user.
ColourThe colour corresponds with the avatar colour at the top right corner of your screen.
Appointment GroupThe group that you select here will be shown as default tab in the diary of this user.
RoleHere you are able to assign this user a role. Every role has a specific set of permissions that will allow or deny users access to particular areas of Animana.
LocationSelect the location where this user works most often.
Use location on log inBy selecting yes, the user will not be prompted to select a location they want to log into. They will log into the location that has been selected in the previous field.
Appointment ColumnThis will assign user to a particular Appointment Column if the user decides to use the diary function on an iPhone. More information about establishing a connection between Animana and an iPhone can be found in the "Related Articles" section.

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Updated on 26 November 2024
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