How do I create a new patient?

When new clients are added to the system, their pet(s) also need to be added. This article will explain how you can add a new patient to the system.

Before you start

This is box title
  • Before adding a new patient, it is good practice to check that the patient is not already in the system.
  • Before you can add a patient, you need to add the owner into the system first. See the Related articles below on how to add a contact.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Search for the client and click the tab Animals.
  2. Click the button New Patient.
  3. You will now see the main add patient window.

  4. Enter patient information as appropriate. Please refer to the table below for more information.
    This is box title
    Note: only the fields for patient name and patient species are mandatory.
  5. Click Save.

More about this

What do all the patient data fields mean?

Field NameInformationIn patient box?On invoices?
Patient numberAnimana's unique patient ID number. This is fixed, it cannot be edited.YesNo
NameThe name of the patient.YesYes
ClassSelect the correct class. The class you select will determine the options for species in the next field.NoNo
SpeciesEnter at least two characters to start a search. You can only choose from search results; you cannot create new species. Alternatively, if you do not remember the species, press the spacebar twice and a list of species belonging to the selected class will appear. The species you select will determine the options for breed (the next field).YesYes
BreedEnter at least two characters to start a search. You can only choose from search results. Alternatively, if you do not remember the breed, press the spacebar twice and the list of breeds belonging to the selected species will appear. You can also create a custom breed for this patient (however, it will not be added to the list for next time). Before you add a new breed, please double check your spelling, (all breeds should be on the list)YesNo
Crossbreed Select "yes" if the patient is a crossbreed, the default value is "no". Yes
(If it's a crossbreed)
GenderSelect the correct gender from the list.
= male
= neutered male
= female
= neutered female
= unknown
Born onEnter the patient's date of birth, either manually or by clicking the calendar icon and picking a date.Yes
(Current age is displayed)
Estimated dateExiting the "born on" field reveals this field. Tick the box if the date of birth entered above is an estimate.Yes
(Estimation icon is displayed)
Died onIf the patient has died, enter the appropriate date the patient died. Entering a date here will automatically set the patient as "inactive", delete reminders and will add a condolence reminder to the patient record. If you have scheduled future appointments, you will be asked whether you want to delete or keep them.Yes
(Deceased icon is displayed)
Visible notesEnter notes which you'd like to be clearly visible in the patient box in the left sidebar. This can be used for important information and warnings such as patient allergy information.YesNo
Hidden notesEnter additional information of this patient, such as travel history.Yes
(Displayed as exclamation mark icon, hovering over it will show the notes)
IdentificationAdd an identification by clicking Add. In the next screen, first click the drop-down menu under "Type of ID" and select the type of identification you are adding. In the "Date" field, enter the date on which the identification was created/administered. "ID number" refers to the actual identification number. "Position" is used to indicate the position of the identification on the animal's body. In the "Administered by" field, enter the veterinarian who created/administered the identification. You will only find the names of users where the "usertype" is set to "vet" (in User Management).YesYes
(Only microchip number is displayed)
SubscriptionEnter a subscription by clicking on the '+' icon.NoNo
VeterinarianSelect a preferred veterinarian from the list. When set, creating a new appointment will automatically select this veterinarian.NoNo
CaretakerSometimes horses or herds have a caretaker - someone other than the owner who takes care of the animal. If applicable, select a caretaker from the dropdown. If they are not in the list, go to the relevant caretaker's client data tab and mark them as a monthly account holder (in the "Financial" tab). The caretaker will then be displayed at the top of the patient file.NoNo
ColourEnter at least two characters to start a search. Choose a colour from the search results. Alternatively, press the spacebar twice and the list of colours will appear. You can also create a custom colour.YesNo
FurEnter at least two characters to start a search. Choose a fur type from the search results. Alternatively, press the spacebar twice and the list of furs will appear. You can also create a custom fur for this patient by selecting the option "custom fur" and entering a fur type between the brackets. Before you do, first double check the spelling, because all fur options should be in the list. The custom fur will not be added to the list for future use.NoNo
Usage of animalEnter at least two characters to start a search. Choose an animal usage type from the search results. Alternatively, press the spacebar twice and the list of usages will appear. You can also create a custom usage for this patient by selecting the option "custom usage" and entering the usage between the brackets. Before you do, first double check the spelling, because all usage options should be in the list. The custom usage will not be added to the list.NoNo
DescentEnter the name of the parents of this patient in this field. Relevant for pedigree dogs and horses.YesNo
HeightEnter the height of the patient. Select 'cm' or 'm' in the dropdown.NoNo
Separate invoiceSelect if you want a separate invoice for this patient by default. If the client has a consultation with multiple animals, this patient will receive a separate invoice. This option is recommended for patients with insurance.NoNo
Exclude from monthly invoice runSelect if you want this patient to be excluded from your monthly invoice runs. NoNo
InsuranceSelect an insurance company and the policy number.Yes
(Displayed as umbrella icon, hovering over it will show the information)
StatusBy default, the patient status is "normal". You can change the status manually. In case of euthanasia with a product with the action "euthanise" appointed to it, the status of the patient is automatically changed to "euthanasia".YesNo
Start dateThe date the patient file was first created.NoNo
ActiveBy default, "yes" is selected to indicate that the patient is current. Select "no" if you want to deactivate the patient. When entering a death date or adding a product with the action "euthanise" appointed to it, the animal is automatically deactivated. Inactive patients do not receive mailings and reminders.NoNo
Button: Add Picture of PatientClick the button to add a picture of the patient.YesNo
Button: Health PlanClick the button to add a health plan to this patient. You can choose from health plans that you have set up in your account in Extra > Products > Health Plans.YesNo
Button: Move PatientClick the button to move the patient to a new owner. Follow the simple instructions to link the patient to the new owner.Yes
(Displayed as hidden note)

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Updated on 8 April 2024
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