How do I edit patient data? Sometimes you have entered a patient in the system and need to add more patient data information at a later...
How do I create a new patient? When new clients are added to the system, their pet(s) also need to be added. This article will explain how...
How do I send a Text Message? Amongst many options in Animana to communicate with Pet Owners, you are also able to use Text Messages to inform...
How do I write up my consult notes for a patient? The consult form allows you to capture your patient consult notes, which could include; medical history, examination findings, diagnosis and...
How do I send an email to a client in Animana? Communicating with your clients is an important activity that you do all day, every day. One of the great functionalities...
How do I add the weight of a patient? Registering the weight of a patient is important. Not only to track their weight, but also to determine the correct...
How do I manually add a reminder if I’m using automated reminders? When set up correctly, Animana’s powerful reminder functionality will automatically add a reminder to the patient file when you sell...
How do I create an appointment from the patient file? Appointments are booked in your calendar throughout the day. In Animana, appointments can be made in several ways: directly from...
How do I filter specific activities in the patient or herd file? When a patient or herd has been with your practice for a long time, their file will build up a...
How do I add a manual reminder to a patient file? With Animana you can manually add reminders to a patient file and configure it to notify the customer when the...