How do I add merge codes to my content?

Merge codes are codes used as placeholders for text. In Animana, merge codes are also available, for instance, for client and patient/herd information. When you use such a merge code in a standard text, for example, in an appointment confirmation, Animana fills in the information of the respective client/patient/herd at the location of the merge code. This will help to personalise your content. This article explains how to add a merge code to a text in the Content Designer in Animana.

Before you start

This is box title
  • You need permission to be able to access the Content Designer. Permissions can be adjusted by practice administrators in > General Settings > Role Management.
  • Before proceeding, make sure that you have already added a letter to the Content Designer. See the related articles.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Go to  > General Settings > Content Designer.
  2. Open a letter, email, label or text message.
  3. On the right side of the text box section a list is visible with all the available merge codes:

    This is box title
    Note that the merge codes are not visible when you are editing the content in the maximised window; un-maximise before adding the codes.
  4. Click in the text box where you want to add the merge code.
  5. Click once on the merge code on the right, and it will be automatically added to the text on the left.

  6. Repeat this for all the merge codes you want to add.
  7. Scroll down and click Save.

When the letter/email is created, you will see that once you add the letter/email to a client/patient, the merge codes are automatically populated with the information from the respective client and patient:


More about this

What merge codes are there?

Merge code groupName in Content DesignerMerge codeInformation is taken from ExampleExtra information
ClientFull name${client.fullname}Client Data > an aggregation of the fields "first name" and "surname".Noah Cooper
ClientTitle${client.title}Client Data > field "title".Dr.
ClientAddress title${client.title2}The address title is the written-out form of the "title" field in the Client
ClientFirst name${client.firstname}Client Data > field "first name"Noah
ClientSurname${client.lastname}Client Data > field "surname"Cooper
ClientEmail address${client.emailaddress}Client Data > field "email"
ClientVeterinarian${}Client Data > field "veterinarian"veterinarian: Dr. Sebastian Barns
ClientStreet${address.street}Client Data > field "street"Broad Street
ClientHouse number${address.housenumber}Client Data > field "house number"38
ClientPostcode${address.postal_code}Client Data > field "postcode"BN27 9UX
ClientCity${}Client Data > field "city"LOWER HORSEBRIDGE
ClientCounty${address.county}Client Data > field "county"Hampshire
ClientCountry${}Client Data > field "country"United Kingdom
ClientTelephone${phone.number}Client Data > field "phone". The top phone number with type phone barn/home/office/stable is entered.+44 7911 123456
ClientPhone mobile${}Client Data > field "phone mobile"+44 7975 556677Only the top mobile number is inserted.
ClientCompany name${client.companyname}Client Data > field "Company name"Cooper Incorporated
ClientPersonal tax number${client.personaltaxnumber}Client Data > tab Financial > field "personal tax number"1645218456Due to the sensitivity of this information, you should seek legal advice to determine whether this data can be retained.
ClientBirth date${client.birthdate}Client Data > tab Info > field "birth date"07/08/78Due to the sensitivity of this information, you should seek legal advice to determine whether this data can be retained.
ClientClient code${client.code}Client Data > tab Info > field "client code"AB123
ClientDistance${client.distance}Client Data > tab Financial > field "distance"10.0
ClientPassword${client.password}Client Data > tab Info > field "password"thisismypassword
ClientStart date${client.startdate}Client Data > tab Info > field "start date"05-11-2019
ClientVAT number${client.vatnumber}Client Data > tab Financial > field "VAT number"GB123456789
ClientWebsite${}Client Data > field "website"
ClientCPH${client.CPH}Client Data > field "CPH"123CPH = County Parish Holding.
ClientLocation${client.location}Client Data > field "client location"Hawkward Animal Clinic EastOf the location entered in Client data > field "location client", the full name is displayed as entered in Settings > General settings > Locations > [relevant location] > field "full name".
ClientIBAN${client.iban}Client Data > tab Financial > field "IBAN"GB29NWBK60161331926819
ClientBIC${client.bic}Client Data > tab Financial > field "BIC"HBUKGB4B
ClientHidden notes${client.hiddennotes}Client Data > tab Info > field "hidden notes"Son is also a vet
ClientVisible notes${client.visiblenotes}Client Data > tab Info > field "visible notes"hearing impaired
CaretakerIf you have caretakers in Animana, always use these caretaker merge codes (instead of the owner's). If a caretaker is assigned to a herd/patient, the caretaker's information is automatically used. If there is no caretaker, then the owner's information is used.
CaretakerCompany name${caretakerorclient.companyname}Client Data > field "Company name" of the caretaker.Taking Care of Your AnimalsCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerFull name${caretakerorclient.fullname}Client Data > an aggregation of the fields "first name" and "surname".Sally JonesCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerTitle${caretakerorclient.title}Client Data > field "title".Mrs.Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerAddress title${caretakerorclient.title2}The address title is the written-out form of the "title" field in the Client Data.Mrs.Caretaker/owner details. It is not possible to edit the address title.
CaretakerFirst name${caretakerorclient.firstname}Client Data > field "first name"SallyCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerSurname${caretakerorclient.lastname}Client Data > field "surname"JonesCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerVeterinarian${}Client Data > field "veterinarian"veterinarian: Dr. Daniel EvanceCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerStreet${caretakerorclient.street}Client Data > field "street"Main RoadCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerHouse number${caretakerorclient.housenumber}Client Data > field "house number"49Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerPostcode${caretakerorclient.zipcode}Client Data > field "postcode"SE94DSCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerCity${}Client Data > field "city"MottinghamCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerCounty${caretakerorclient.county}Client Data > field "county"YorkshireCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerCountry${}Client Data > field "country"United KingdomCaretaker/owner details.
CaretakerClient code${caretakerorclient.code}Client Data > tab Info > field "client code"TKOYA1Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerDistance${caretakerorclient.distance}Client Data > tab Financial > field "distance"15.5Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerMobile${}Client Data > field "phone mobile"+44 20 7123 4568Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerStart date${caretakerorclient.startdate}Client Data > tab Info > field "start date"09-07-2021Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerVAT number${caretakerorclient.vatnumber}Client Data > tab Financial > field "VAT number"GB123456780Caretaker/owner details.
CaretakerWebsite${}Client Data > field "website"www.takingcareofyouranimals.comCaretaker/owner details.
PatientAll patient merge codes can only be used from the patient file, for patient appointments or product reminders in the patient file.
PatientName${}Patient Data > field "name"Pepper
PatientCode${patient.code}Patient Data > field "patient number"00008
PatientSpecies${patient.species}Patient Data > field "species"Canine
PatientBreed${patient.breed}Patient Data > field "breed"Labrador Retriever
PatientBirth date${patient.birthdate}Patient Data > field "born on"02-03-2015
PatientAge${patient.age}Age is calculated using the "born on" field. There is no dedicated field for age.9 years and 3 months
PatientDate of death${patient.deathdate}Patient Data > field "died on"
PatientGender${}Patient Data > field "gender"male neutered
PatientColour${patient.color}Patient Data > field "colour"brown
PatientFur${patient.fur}Patient Data > field "fur"shorthair
PatientDescent${patient.descent}Patient Data > field "descent"
PatientUsage of animal${patient.usage}Patient Data > field "usage of animal"
PatientInsurance number${patient.insurancenumber}Patient Data > Patient data > field behind the "insurance" field123345667
PatientVeterinarian${}Patient Data > field "veterinarian"veterinarian: Mr. Nathan Gibson
PatientInsurance${patient.insurancename}Patient Data > field "insurance"PetPlan
PatientHeight${patient.size}Patient Data > field "height"30.0 cm
PatientHidden notes${patient.hiddennotes}Patient Data > field ""travelled to France in 2021
PatientVisible notes${patient.visiblenotes}Patient Data > field ""THTH
PatientNominative pronoun (he/she/(s)he)${patient.nominativepronoun}Pronoun is determined according to the gender entered.he
PatientPosessive pronoun (his/her/their)${patient.posessivepronoun}Pronoun is determined according to the gender entered.his
PatientAccusative pronoun (him/her/them)${patient.accusativepronoun}Pronoun is determined according to the gender entered.him
Patient --> identificationsNumber${identification.number}Patient Data > field "number"977200000000000
Patient --> identificationsDescription${identification.description}Patient Data > field "Description"microchip number
Patient --> identificationsMicrochip number${patient.transponder}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = microchip number977200000000000
Patient --> identificationsPedigree number${patient.pedigreenumber}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = pedigree number
Patient --> identificationsRingnumber${patient.ringnumber}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = ringnumberGBA 1234
Patient --> identificationsBurning${patient.burning}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = burning
Patient --> identificationsStudnumber${patient.studnumber}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = studnumber
Patient --> identificationsTattoo${}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = tattoo
Patient --> identificationsOther${}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = other
Patient --> identificationsPassport${patient.passport}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = passportGB339367
Patient --> identificationsLife number${patient.lifenumber}Patient Data > field "number" belonging to description = life number
Patient --> identificationsIdentifications${patient.identifications}Patient Data > all number fields belonging to all entered descriptionsmicrochip number: 977200000000000
passport: GB339367
Patient --> last weightWeight${patient.lastweight.weight}Patient File > last weight that was entered27.5 kg
Patient --> last weightDate${}Patient File > date of the last weight05-06-2024
Patient --> last weightNotes${patient.lastweight.notes}Patient File > Notes entered for last weight
Patient --> last weightBody score${patient.lastweight.bodyscore}Patient File > body score of last weight6
ReminderDate${}Patient File > Reminder > field "due date"21-06-2024
ReminderText${reminder.text}Patient File > Reminder > field "reminder text"annual health check and vaccination
ReminderType${reminder.type}Patient File > Reminder > field "reminder type"Vaccination
AppointmentAll appointment codes can only be used via Diary > 3 dots and 3 lines at the top of time column on the left and via the buttons behind the appointment in the client and patient/herd file.
AppointmentTime${appointment.time}Diary > Appointment > field "time"17:00
AppointmentDate${}Diary > Appointment > field "date"31-12-2024
AppointmentAppointment for${appointment.for}Diary > Appointment > field "time"Dr. Sebastian Barns
AppointmentType${appointment.type}Diary > Appointment > field "type"appointment
AppointmentAppointment column${}Diary > Appointment > field "appointment column"East Consult 1
InvoiceInvoice date${}Client File > Sales invoice > field "invoicedate"20-11-2023To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice number${invoice.number}Client File > Sales invoice > field "invoice number"S-2023-0038To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice total amount${invoice.totalamount}Client File > Sales invoice > field "total invoice"£ 73.00To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice paid amount${invoice.paidamount}Client File > Sales invoice > tab Payments > field "amount"£ 20.00To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice open amount${invoice.openamount}The outstanding amount of the invoice. This is calculated by reducing the total invoice amount by any partial payments.£ 53.00To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceLast resent date${invoice.lastresentdate}Client File > Sales invoice > tab Reminders > field "date"31-11-2023To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceLast resent amount${invoice.lastresentamount}Client File > Sales invoice > field "amount"£ 53.00To be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice location${invoice.location}The location that was logged into when the invoice was created.East Street HospitalTo be used in client file and debtors. Not for use with Debtors (New).
InvoiceInvoice block${invoicesblock}This code generates a table listing all open invoices with the following information: invoice date, invoice number, invoice amount, paid amount, added costs, number of days the invoice is open, number of reminders sent, open amount per invoice, total of all open invoices combined.Only to be used in Debtors (New). Not to be used in client file and debtors.
InvoiceInvoice block open amount${invoicesblock.openamount}Total amount of all outstanding invoices from the invoice block combined.£ 837.89Only to be used in Debtors (New). Not to be used in client file and debtors.
InvoiceInvoice detail date${}Patient/herd file > product line > field "date"06-06-2024Only to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail quantity${invoicedetail.quantity}Patient/herd file > product line > field "quantity"10.0Only to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail dosage${invoicedetail.dosage}Patient/herd file > product line > field "dosage"1 tablet once a dayOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail name${}Patient/herd file > product line > field "product invoice text"Amoxibactin tablets 50mgOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail free text${invoicedetail.freetext}Patient/herd file > product line > field "label"shake before useOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail batch${invoicedetail.batch}Patient/herd file > product line > field "batch"7A224BOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail batch expiry date${invoicedetail.batchexpirydate}Patient/herd file > product line > field "expiration"01-01-2026Only to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail logbook application${invoicedetail.logbookapplication}Herd file > product line > tab withdrawal time > field "application"intra muscularOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail veterinarian name${invoicedetail.veterinarian}This is the prescribing vet of the medication entered at: Patient/Herd file > product line > field "veterinarian"Vet: Mr. Nathan GibsonOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail veterinarian UDN${invoicedetail.veterinarian.uniquenumber}Patient/Herd file > product line > field "veterinarian"1002112UDN = Veterinary Professional Number. This number is entered in: Settings > General Settings > User Management > User > field "Veterinary Professional Number:".
You can only use this merge code on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail invoice text${invoicedetail.invoicetext}Patient/Herd file > product line > field "product invoice text"Euthanasia dogOnly to be used on a product label.
InvoiceRegistration${invoicedetail.registration}Herd file > product line > tab withdrawal time > field "registration"Only to be used on a product label.
InvoiceInvoice detail sales unit${invoicedetail.unit}Patient/Herd file > product line > unit named behind the price boxSet via Extra > Products > Products > Product tab > field "sales unit". You can only use this merge code on a product label.
HerdHerd CPH${herd.ubn}If completed: Herd data > field "CPH".
If empty: Client data > field "CPH".
123CPH = County Parish Holding.
HerdHerd type${herd.type}Herd Data > field "herd type"beef - finisher
HerdWithdrawal periods${logbook.withdrawalperiod}Herd file > product line > tab withdrawal time > field "withdrawal time"
HerdRegistration${logbook.registration}Herd file > product line > tab withdrawal time > field "registration"
HerdPharmaceutical form${logbook.pharmaceuticalform}Extra > Products > Products > Product Info tab > field "pharmaceutical form"Oral drops, emulsion
HerdActive ingredient(s) and concentration${logbook.activeingredientsandconcentration}Extra > Products > Products > Product Info tab > field "active ingredient(s) and concentration"ampicilline 100 mg/ml
HerdDuration${logbook.duration}The field "duration".
Patient/Herd file > product line > tab withdrawal time > field "duration"
LocationThe location inserted depends on the location the user is logged in to. In some cases, the location registered with the data is used. For example, reminders are sent with data from the location where the reminder was created.
LocationName${}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "name"East Street Hospital
LocationFull name${location.fullname}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "full name"Hawkward Animal Clinic East
LocationStreet${location.street}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "street"Berner St.
LocationHouse number${location.number}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "house number"56
LocationPostcode${location.postal_code}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "Postcode"IP1 3LU
LocationCity${}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "city"Ipswich
LocationCountry${}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "country"United Kingdom
LocationCounty${location.county}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "county"
LocationProvince${location.province}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "province"This field is only available for countries where the province is used in address information, such as Canada.
LocationState${location.state}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "state"This field is only available for countries with states, such as the United States of America.
LocationTelephone${}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "phone"+44 7700 900077
LocationFax${location.fax}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "fax"+44 7700 900078
LocationEmail${}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "email"
LocationBank account${location.bankaccount}Settings > General Settings > Locations > field "bank account"
Referring vetCodes for a referring veterinarian only work if a referring veterinarian has been set up. These codes work in the client and patient/herd file.
Referring vetFull name${referringvet.fullname}Client Data of the referring vet > an aggregation of the fields "first name" and "surname".
Referring vetTitle${referringvet.title}Client Data of the referring vet > field "title"Dr.
Referring vetAddress title${referringvet.title2}The address title is the written-out form of the "title" field in the Client Data of the referring
Referring vetFirst name${referringvet.firstname}Client Data of the referring vet > field "first name"Sebastian
Referring vetSurname${referringvet.lastname}Client Data of the referring vet > field ""Barns
Referring vetEmail address${referringvet.emailaddress}Client Data of the referring vet > field "email"
Referring vetStreet${referringvet.address.street}Client Data of the referring vet > field "street"Worm Street
Referring vetHouse number${referringvet.address.housenumber}Client Data of the referring vet > field "house number"10
Referring vetPostcode${referringvet.address.zipcode}Client Data of the referring vet > field "postcode"HG4 5QZ
Referring vetCity${}Client Data of the referring vet > field "city"MASHAM
Referring vetCounty${referringvet.address.county}Client Data of the referring vet > field "county"North Yorkshire
Referring vetCountry${}Client Data of the referring vet > field "country"United Kingdom
Referring vetClient code${referringvet.code}Client Data of the referring vet > field "client code"SB123
Referring vetDistance${referringvet.distance}Client Data of the referring vet > tab Financial > field "distance"11.0
Referring vetMobile${}Client Data of the referring vet > field "phone mobile"
Referring vetStart date${referringvet.startdate}Client Data of the referring vet > tab Info > field "start date"23-06-2020
Referring vetCPH${referringvet.ubn}Client Data of the referring vet > field "CPH"1654CPH = County Parish Holding.
Referring vetVAT number${referringvet.vatnumber}Client Data of the referring vet > tab Financial > field "VAT number"GB123456789
Referring vetWebsite${}Client Data of the referring vet > field "website"
Referring vetCompany name${referringvet.companyname}Client Data of the referring vet > field "Company name"Veterinary Practice
Logbook addressStreet${logbookaddress.street}Client Data > field "street" of the caretakerWressle RoadVisible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
Logbook addressHouse number${logbookaddress.housenumber}Client Data > field "house number" of the caretaker47Visible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
Logbook addressPostcode${logbookaddress.zipcode}Client Data > field "postcode" of the caretakerDH2 1EQVisible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
Logbook addressCity${}Client Data > field "city" of the caretakerPLAWSWORTHVisible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
Logbook addressCounty${logbookaddress.county}Client Data > field "county" of the caretakerDurhamVisible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
Logbook addressCountry${}Client Data > field "country" of the caretakerUnited KingdomVisible when a caretaker is assigned to a herd.
UserMerge codes for employees always use the data of the logged-in user.
UserFull name${employee}Settings > General Settings > User Management > User > an aggregation of the fields "first name" and "surname".Chloe Leland
UserUnique Vet Number${user.veterinaryprofessionalnumber}Settings > General Settings > User Management > User > an aggregation of the field "Veterinary Professional Number"1002112
OtherEmpty line${empty.line}This code inserts an empty line
OtherTime now${time}This code inserts the current time16:53
OtherDate now${date}This code inserts the current date10-06-2024

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Updated on 4 June 2024
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