In focus: Successful emailing

Communicating with your clients is an important activity that you do all day, every day. Emailing is an important part of that and we want you to get the most out of Animana’s emailing functionality. On this page you will find all the relevant information regarding emailing from Animana.

We are aware of the fact that to help fight unwanted emails, Google and Yahoo have introduced tighter rules for bulk email senders. The implementation of these new rules mean that emails sent from Animana to addresses which end in,, or, have an increased chance of being marked as spam in the recipient’s inbox. That means that pet owners might not receive your email reminder or invoice in their inbox.

We’re working on a solution which will help mitigate the effect of this and will allow you to have more control over the successful delivery of emails. Fortunately, the solution also comes with other benefits, such as improved security and stability.

Click on the provider for an explanation of their changes:

Frequently asked questions about the Google and Yahoo changes

Does this apply to me?

If you send emails from Animana to recipients with,, or email addresses, the changes will apply to you

What can I do to prepare?

If you want to send email from Animana using your own domain name, then the upcoming change will require a change to your DNS (Domain Name System) records, which requires knowledge of your Domain provider, and access to the administration console. Currently, no change is required, but please identify who has this knowledge in your practice, and make them aware of this page. We will add information to this page as soon as we know more.

What advice can I give to customers?

If your emails are ending up in customer’s spam folders, here are some steps they can take to mark your address as a safe sender:

  • Gmail
    • If the email arrives in the spam folder, click either the “Not spam” or the “Report as not spam” button.
  • MSN Hotmail,,
    • If the email arrives in the junk folder, click the “Not Junk” button.
    • Go to “Settings” in the top-right, then “Junk email”, and check your email address is not in the “Blocked senders and domains” list. Also add your email address to “Safe mailing lists”.
  • Apple,,
    • If the email arrives in the junk folder, click the “Not Junk” link in the in the notification bar.
What extra steps can I take to prevent my emails from being marked as spam?

Filters are getting smarter, but here’s a checklist to help prevent your emails from being marked as spam:

  • Check the texts you’re using for possible trigger words (e.g. “Free”, “Urgent”, “Buy”, or “Act now”).
  • Don’t excessively use capital letters, punctuation marks, or colourful fonts.
  • Check the email structure (HTML) is valid.
  • Check for spelling and grammatical mistakes.
  • Check any sites you link to are valid.


Help articles

Email set up

Using the email functionality


Other resources


Five tips to get the most out of email in Animana

Read more

Five tips for creating effective reminders

Read more

Need more help?

We’re sorry you couldn’t find the answer you’re looking for. We recommend you contact our Customer Support team.

Updated on 5 December 2024
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